It's hard to believe that it has been almost three years since I last posted a blog. I was working on something and a memory was triggered about a blog I wrote a while ago and I thought I'd stop by this site and see what was here.
He's an update:
Pete is doing much better. He has some residual memory issues, but if you weren't living with him or worked as a speech therapist you would barely notice. He can get stuck on a thought or idea and its a struggle to get him off of it.... and when he tries to argue his point of view he can get easily turned around. But, he is so much better. His face is healed and his body is what it was before. The only way to tell that he had any eye damage is when he tries to roll his eyes like a teenager- since he will turn 20 in a few months I hope that completely goes away.
Dori has finished her degree at MSU. She entered the political arena and became a campaign manager in a local election. Everything was going great- until the candidate lost. I think it really broke her spirit. Dori gave up politics. It really isn't the time for Democrats and Dori just didn't want to get on the Republican bandwagon. She's done several other jobs, like waitressing, working for the Girl Scouts, selling Mary Kay and lately insurance. I don't think Dori has found her niche yet.... but she keeps looking- she will find it.
Dill is now 15. He is super bright but his social skills are a bit lacking. For example, last summer Pepper and I took him with us on a cruise. He completely refused to go to the teen center and only wanted to hang out with us or his dads. One day, he was sitting on a deck chair and a teenage girl about his age came up to him and asked his name. Dill, dropped his Sudoku book and looking at the ground stammered "yeah" and went back to his room. Later he said, there were 20 deck chairs to his right and 10 to his left.... why did she have to come to the one right beside him? - He said really it messed up his concentration for Sudoku!
Macy has made the most changes. In fact, I am changing Macy's Blog name. It is now Mack. Mack decided (or always knew) that being a female wasn't working. Mack has been taking testosterone for over a year and recently had a double mastectomy to help his outside look more like he feels it should. This was a hard change for Pepper and I to deal with, but we love Mack and want him to be happy- so we did. Mack seems happier and has big plans in restaurant management... maybe even a move to a bigger town.
Pepper and I are still plugging along. Pepper left the job she had for 20+ years to try something a little different. She is still doing speech, just in a hospital setting now. It means a little more money and different hours (she loves Fridays off!). Today I have a snow day and she doesn't..... she's not really a fan of that change!
Not sure I have a lot more to say, but maybe I'll get into blogging again. I'll try not to take 3 years to post something new....
Thanks for reading.
Summer of Silence
As the 2024 Autumn Equinox approaches next week, I am trying to reflect on
why I haven’t made a post for what has essentially been all summer this
year. It...
5 months ago