Friday, July 6, 2012

Staycation- Part 1

Our plan at Christmas had been to head out east and spend time on the coast this July. We had discussed Maine, and Boston and New York. But, due to finances and schedules, by June we decided to change it into a “staycation”. We planned quick day trips and things to do from home.

The staycation got off to a bit of a rocky start.... The kids had differing schedules and places they had to be, the guys were waiting for a fence to be installed and I had to work 2 mornings that no one else did. 

Monday, Dill had a stomach flu and the local news said the temps would be in the high 90’s- low 100’s all week. 

Tuesday started with me getting whacked in the face with a block by a student at work and then dropping a bocce ball on my foot. Had a great dinner cooked by Dad B&D tho.... things started looking up.

Wednesday was better with a trip to a water park (although it was hot and we accidentally brought our whiny kids… rather than the fun ones!) followed by a picnic and movies. (Amazing Spiderman…. Pretty good, biggest complaint was everyone had slight sunburns).

Thursday we went to Put in Bay. No one but me had been there before. The last time I was there was 1984. I was a little stressed that it would not be the way I remembered it…. Or would just be really lame! No worries though, everyone had fun. There was something for all of us. Caves to explore, wineries, golf carts to drive, free fishing, ice cream, cute shops, flush toilets, a boat ride and a fantastic breeze off the lake that made it feel cooler than it really was.

Today is Friday, the plan today is hanging around the house watching cartoons and movies, playing games and enjoying the A/C (temp was 92 by 10 AM… high expected to reach 102 degrees). For dinner we are doing a mystery meal. Each of the kids has teamed up with a parent to make a portion of tonight's family meal. Pete and I- appetizer, Dill and Dad D- Main dish, Macy and Dad B- side dishes, Dori and Pepper- Dessert/beverage. The rules- no one can tell any other team what they are making and it has to be something no one on the team has made before. The biggest feat will be sharing the kitchen! 


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